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History of Notorious MC


     Established in 2007, Notorious was formed by senior members and associates of the Nomads motorcycle gang, after the Parramatta Nomads branch was disbanded. The newly formed gang, founded by Alan Sarkis, then started to recruit youth of Middle Eastern background and aligned itself with street gangs to boost its numbers to gain supremacy over rival gangs.


     The exact number of Notorious members is unknown to police but sources claim the gang has up to 200 active members. Its members are sometimes called "Nike bikies", for wearing expensive nike running shoes (nike air max & nike tns usually the footwear of choice), fashionable t-shirts and being clean shaven, in contrast to the traditional bikie image of dirty jackets, leather boots and beards.


     Police have named John Ibrahim, a celebrity Nightclub entrepreneur and his three brothers Sam, Fadi and Michael Ibrahim as senior members of Notorious. Allan Sarkis has been named as the president of Notorious but Police believe Sam Ibrahim formed the gang and is the driving force behind it, Ibrahim denies creating Notorious but admits knowing its members.


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